Posts Tagged ‘blackmail’

The „system-bullying“ or as the Hessian works Gulag Archipelago

27. Januar 2010

The Steuerfahnderaffaire – What Has Happened to it? Part II or The Sonnnenseite the system „Gulag Archipelago“

Reward …

Even if it is worse in comparison with previous decisions> Peanuts, they should not go unmentioned here. Because if you are for>Don Roland<Had rendered outstanding service should be rewarded.

e.g. Ex-tax investigators Wolfgang Schad

The tax investigators Wolfgang Schad was one of those over 45 tax inspectors who showed solidarity in the summer of 2003 at a meeting with the four gentlemen, and there had sidelined adopted a petition to the Hesse state parliament. Than Hesse, president of the Athletics Association he organized for this meeting, even a room.

As in parliamentary inquiry / PUA was decided to interview two tax investigators that was also Wolfgang Schad. Shortly before his hearing, he was „into Finance loaded: To the Department 1, Mario VITTORIOWho later Oberfinanzprasident will be. “ The content of this conversation logically remained secret, but the core of what is spoken can be reconstructed on the basis of the following events> <. When Wolfgang Schad should be heard on 22.6.2005 before the inquiry, he insisted, only in a non-public meeting to give information. The session was canceled and then not continue as a „public-<.

„The next day he is approached by his colleagues in the office then that, in PUA obviously not the truth said. HARMFUL admits that it creates a>Blackout<Had, could not remember the things that he gets signed by hand in the petition to the Diet had. “

This „Blackout caused not only an important witness to the allegations made in the petition in air. This>Blackout<Was also favorably rewarded: As Wolfgang Schad had previously operated as a hobby, has now to his new profession: „He’s going to Regierungsoberrat (RoR) promoted and now works in the Hessian Ministry of Interior: in Unit VI. Competence of this unit, ‚Sport‘ and ’sport‘. “

e.g. the container rebel Carmen Everts (SPD)

It took a while until they had put all the foundations to better of one of the four ‚rebels‘ well-endowed in the government camp. After considering various options it was decided that SPD Abweichlerin Carmen Everts housed in the National Center for Civic Education. It was not easy, because you only had to invent a working field for which sufficient scientific expertise Carmen Everts at all. As had been the Marx Brothers godfather, took one in the sequence, the existing unit <> Demography and made ‚from the Unit:‘ extremism, dictatorship, and demographics. Thus bunglers and foolish this sounds, it went so boldly. Unlike any other Head of Unit posts especially this class was provided with the remuneration of a deputy head of the national center.

e.g. the works council chairman of Fraport St. Imp

Among the winners we must also often quoted council chairman of Fraport St. Imp . call As a „man on the other side ‚, he fought for the enforcement of FRAPORT expansion plans in the double role as employee representative and board member. He was in all respects Fraport’s Darling, a gold coin: At a special meeting of the Supervisory Board of Fraport at 31.10.2008 was rejected by its abstention by the demand of the future government of this suspension of immediate, threat of large claims, and challenged the legality of the coalition agreement.

This also explains that during the fighting Peter Imp Wortbruch campaign on the front line against a possible SPD government, which was vitally important for the campaign bosses: With his name, the impression should be conveyed, including the employees and wage earners stood on the side of the airport cartel. That he is already at that time the CDU Regional sat and was a member of the Forces, referred to not as much as possible.

The first reward was not long in coming: ‚As the first> Employee representatives, he was 2008, the price> Social Market Economy‘ of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation awarded.

2009 was followed by the political reward: He became the successor of the long CDU Bundestag deputy, Dr. Klaus Lippold from Offenbach, and in October of that year, catapulted by a direct mandate in the Bundestag.

Out of control

Unlike a dictatorship or a totalitarian regime is characterized by a constitutional separation of powers and institutional controls: It starts with the right of appeal to governments, ranging from the authority from parent departments (Chief Finance / Finance), by prosecutors‘ investigations, possibilities of the parliamentary opposition, a Inquiry set up, up to the ‚fourth power‘ to make public the press, allegations of perversion of justice and abuse of office or to give voice to victims of abuse of power …

Given the previously established facts, and due to the long time dream can draw a résumé.

All it took seven years until the system Gulag Archipelago ever came to the general public, thanks to a feature of the magazine> Stars‘ (No. 51), 11.12.2008 under the title: „Ice cold extravaganzas disappeared.“ Then it was again very quiet. Only as predictable was that the Administrative Court in the casting Psychiatrization four tax inspectors is declared to be unlawful, attack the Frankfurter Rundschau on this case. In a series of articles, the FR documents, facts, and lay open entanglements, which until then were only available on micro-blogs, such as <on the Internet blog of ‚Documentation Center Courageous searches and reports.

Since it is clear, at least in parts of the public that we are dealing with the pesky psychiatrization of tax inspectors not an isolated incident, not an exaggeration single service manager or become independent of segments of the institutional power structure, but a system that not only minutely the elimination of tax inspectors to operate, but equally all supervisory eliminated or inserted into the power structure.

Even if the political legitimacy of the Hesse state government is under attack: The cartel, which had proven itself in breach of promise campaign as well, holds together.

While the cashier> Emmely <was summarily dismissed for alleged enrichment (dizzying) height of 1.30 euro, there is the entire management staff of the Hesse state from a clean bill: Whether Tax Superintendent, Chief Financial Director, Health Minister, Finance Minister or Prime Minister … They have nothing to reproach himself and let the rest know that they will send in all meekness everything else up. Not react differently to the Government Media: Completely free to talk about all the scruples FAZ to this day „of“ political summer theater, „speculationand »unilaterally to defamatory (s) reporting on the conditions „in the tax investigation.

The Frankfurter Neue Presse / FNP put this Verschleierungsjournalismus still on the crown, as she spoke on 5/1/2010 by a ‚to‘ tax investigators affair ‚hyped skirmishes „and in all seriousness, a“ not yet experienced (n) Skandalisierungskampagne„He has observed, the“ from „supposedly new (s) revelations, through to the“ orchestrated outrage „feeds.

For all the madness that afflicts the FNP, it nevertheless retains a sense of the real danger: „This is Karlheinz Weimar, but a symbol of the“ system kitchen, ‚which is the ultimate goal of the staged outrage. Attacking the next most senior Minister Volker Bouffier confidant of the Government, is in fact also an attack on the Prime himself, especially on its political authority. “

So much foresight one wishes especially on the part of any opposition!

Fraport, the government – a systemic risk

One can only agree with the FNP: it is neither isolated incidents, nor individual responsible for the leadership of the Hesse state government. What were examples of the tax investigators ready to reveal, is a system that operates beyond the reach of parliaments, electoral, and criminal law and rules. As if through a porthole of a cruise ship, the tax investigators of the ‚couldBanking Group<See something that moves below the water surface: A criminal cartel political elites and large corporations that create billions with exercise amounts to buy influence and power, generate public and conquer markets, laws (-) and set up a right-zones. It was not the prosecution of tax evasion in the case, the> Bank Group <cost the head, but to penetrate the stubborn desire of the (tax) investigators, in this forbidden zone.

The system of fear and helplessness

The system> The Gulag Archipelago ‚is not only annoying for tax investigators, but for those who their modest Rights take advantage and just not to give in. What happened to the four tax investigators, can be seen in numerous examples of works councils and wage earners spell out the extorted, bullied, intimidated and sidelined were. Examples are executed in a few, the regime is afraid of everybody.

What this government would be willing, if not four, but hundreds of civil servants would say: We do with any more! What companies would be willing, if not some few, but tens of thousands of blackmail would resist, get fired, if not more work for less pay and more tolerant are you ready?

The four tax investigators are among the few who could not be silenced, which have been fighting for over eight years to ensure that they not be fired, but all those who have supported the system> The Gulag Archipelago ‚and enforced, and responsible.

If solidarity is not intended as a rhetorical flourish, then it is now sorely in need of Wolf Wetzel, 19.1.2010,

Author of the documentary narrative “ ‚Lethal Shots, restlessness Verlag 2008.

Abridged version published in:

The Empire Strikes Back, Publik-Forum/Zeitung Critical Christians: No. 1 – 2010 – from 15.1.2010, p. 18

If you lose an election, but not the power to Telepolis of 181.2010

NachDenkSeiten/ The website critical, Contribution No. 4471 of 22/1/2010, Hesse Crime

Further documents and articles can be found at:

The contribution to the sunny side of the Gulag Archipelago illustrates how to create beyond the „wellness centers“ parliaments powerful informal structures with which they finished making critical citizens, employees and harassed witnesses makes tractable. The case of tax investigators from Frankfurt is just the tip of an iceberg, and pointing out to get as far as convenience Survey instruments, container jobs, transportation of witnesses a blackout and witnesses to an important rise in the hierarchy as that of the Mario VITTORIO.

And if you still scandals like those of otherContainer Rebellin Carmen Everts (SPD) in the case of bullying hinzunimmt Ypsilanti, as well as that of the council chairmen of Fraport Peter Imp or now the Bullying complaints received by the Hessian police, then we can understand more and more the CDU-bullying scheme cook. The ZDF Editor in chief Nikolaus Brender had to leave because he „Cooking as well as ex-CSU chief Edmund Stoiber, the independence Brenders got on my nerves. „(2)

Go to the nerves is to make his work as an editor that can not be put under pressure by politicians and inform the public of backgrounds. So, what fits with the morality of a politician Stoiber (CSU) was just as much as a cook (CDU) and Schroeder (SPD).

„At the Mainz Channel Brender procured from the beginning of respect because he is party political influence consistently resisted attempts. Not all politicians liked so much independence. After the election defeat of Edmund Stoiber as chancellor candidate for 2002, the CSU got the call Brenders contract should not be extended. And meet after the election defeat of 2005 had Brender SPD in the Berlin Round „an impetuous Chancellor Gerhard Schröder, the media campaign, an imputed against him.“ (2)

And even if silent solidarity with a victim as Brender is designed or even criticism from experts in the solar system, the Gulag Archipelago of Mr. Koch is simply finished and further bullied. The motto here is how the burning of witches in the Middle Ages or in ancient Rome, where bread and circuses to distract the audience from social problems, ask the next victim.

„A violation of freedom of broadcasting,“ presented clearly established constitutional law in deciding the case Brender. It has benefited the victims of anything, except that the perpetrators can say what you want then, but the press can write what she wants. 35 State Law teachers had supported Brender and even many journalists understood the signs of the times right when they critically against the bullying unions combo at Roland Koch defended. They warned of a breach of the European Press Freedom Charter.

Brender has benefited the victim any more than the millions of victims of bullying, the fact that our constitution protects the dignity of man and his health, including mental health is meant. Bullying is now on land, or land from the strategy of citizens, employees and unpopular Democrats are making financially, professionally and medically ready, which almost always sufficient to bring the victims to remain silent. But not always, as in the case of Fankfurt tax investigators, or Detlef Lengsfeld, R. Beutler, Simon D., Arthur K., „Big Ant“, Milan Petrovic, Sedika Weingartner, Emmely, and … and … and … a list of names has the 100s. Just where is the support for the victims through the media and social organizations such as DGB, IG Metall and verdi?


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